Theresienstadt Ghetto was located outside of Prague Czechoslovakia. The ghetto was created as a facade by the Germans to fool the Red Cross and the international community.
A propaganda film called Hitler Gives the Jews a City was produced to show how well the Jews were living in their new home. In reality Theresienstadt served as a transit camp for people on their final destination in a Polish death camp. The notes were designed by Peter Kien and printed by the National Bank in Prague. They are signed by Jakob Edelstein Elder of the Jews. The face of the notes depict a portrait of Moses holding the Ten Commandments. The notes were issued in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 kronen and are one of the easiest to collect as they are readily attainable.
Set of 7 notes
100 Kronen