Crystal City Internment Camp Clothing Token

Crystal City Internment Camp was opened in 1942 and eventually contained 3500 people.

The first internees were people of Japanese descent from the US as well as other south and Central American countries. Later Germans and Italians were added to the camp. The camp was segregated by nationality and each area had its own canteen. The camp was closed in 1947. This is a recently unknown discovery of a type not previously seen. It is a clothing token that resembles the shape, color, and size of the Seagoville tokens. So far only a 1 and 5 cent token are known.

  • 1 Cent Clothing Token
    1 Cent Clothing Token
    1 Cent Clothing Token
  • 5 Cent Clothing Token
    5 Cent Clothing Token
    5 Cent Clothing Token