Canada POW/Internment Camp 130 Kananaskis Type 3
Kananaskis-Seebee camp 130 located in Alberta was opened in September 1939 to house civilian internees and enemy merchant seamen.
They were moved into Eastern Canada two years later and replaced by 650 German POWs officers from the Afrika Korps who were held there until the camp closed in June 1946. There are 3 types of chits that were issued for the camp. Type 1 is black ink on blue cardboard and dated Jan-June 1946, type 2 is smaller, undated and on yellow cardboard and type 3 is black ink on green cardboard and dated 31st March 1944. Type 1 is denominated 1, 5, 10, 50 cents and 1 and 5 dollars, type 2 in 5, 10, and 25 cents, and type 3 a 1 cent and 1 dollar are known.
1 Cent
1 Dollar